You know, it's almost shocking to me how consuming these little people are. Not a single day has gone by since that little pink line showed up on my pregnancy test that she hasn't taken up brain space and time. My entire life is currently invested in this little two foot package. I don't mind it, in fact I love it and I know she'll be grown up before I'm ready, it's just a bit staggering when I think of what a life hog she is! :)
So at nine months, here's what's going on in her life.
- We've lived to see 4 teeth arrive. I found teething to be ridiculously stressful. Way too much crying and not nearly enough sleep for either of us but praise God, the Chiclets have appeared. And they really do look like chiclets. She has a significant gap between her top front teeth which I find quite endearing but for her sake I hope the adult ones come in without the 1/8 inch of gum in between them! :)
- She says dada, mama, papa, and bye bye. Actually she loves to yell "dada" at the top of her lungs.
- She's loud. Everything she does is loud. She loves shrieking and babbling at the top of her lungs. On nice days I have to set her outside on the deck just so I can think above her over the top happiness.
- She thinks her farts are funny. This she gets from her dad.
- She weighed in at 15lbs 2 oz which is surprising to me because she still nurses 4-5 times a day and has 2-3 meals and snacks on everything I eat. This is also from her dad.
- She is 26.5 inches tall. I think she has a bit of 'runt' in her.
Getting measured. Note the nervous stance as she's pressed against the wall.
- She's begun the bum scoot. It's slow and painful at this point but it has revolutionized her way of life because now, instead of screaming frantically when her toys are out of reach, she can get them herself! Yay! She'll still shriek if the girl I babysit is here because she knows the little one will fetch her toys for her. Mom...not so much.
- Still no rolling. And she is terribly offended if we roll her over against her will.
- She claps her hands, dances to music, wiggles her head on command, stomps her feet, and shows us how "big" she is. And has recently begun stingily giving out kisses.
- She can sign "more" which is AWESOME because now she doesn't have to go into hysterics between each bite! Seriously, baby signs is a genius idea!
- She just started walking along furniture and loves holding our hands to walk around the house.
- She LOVES her dad and she LOVES the girl I babysit.
- She has boundless enthusiasm for everything in life, especially food....and mostly nursing.
- Currently I only change maybe 2 poopy diapers a week because she goes regularly on the toilet. Usually after her second nap. Which is awesome.
- She continues to be the most indecisive baby. She sucked her thumb regularly for about a month and then quite cold turkey. Now she's back to the on again, off again with the pacifier. If I give it to her she chucks it across the room but if I leave it in her crib she usually ends up with it in her mouth by morning.
- 80% of the time she goes to bed like a champ. 20% of the time she screams and screams and rages about it. Same percentages apply to sleeping through the night.
- She is ridiculously social which is awesome for an aspiring hermit of a mother because she shrieks at people to get their attention which invariably leads them to talk to me.
- She is usually 110% happy and brightens each day - but when she is grumpy, she is also 110% grumpy.
- She loves to smile huge, face splitting grins; which in turn, makes people around her smile!
Dump it out...
Spread it around...
"Mom, can I chew on this?"
Yelling for Dad from Carolyn Wiebe on Vimeo.
The Scoot from Carolyn Wiebe on Vimeo.
I know mothers everywhere have a special spot in their hearts for their kids but I have to say; this little bitty kid has a really special spot in my heart!