Our fearless captain. (Evanie, not Papa)
In order to be fair she let others help her from time to time...
...but she was the main one in charge.
New toy from her Nana and Papa.
It provides endless delight!
Bath-time on the boat.
Nap-time on the boat. It was basically like a large cupboard! :)
We took the opportunity to get off and stretch our legs....once....
It was raining which intrigued Evanie.
The catch of the day. Actually the only catch of the whole trip!
Elijah and Evanie were big help when it came to transporting gear on and off the boat.
And here's a shot of the guitar Justin made...being played by his dad here.
And by his brother here....
Pretty fine piece of work!
How nice of her to allow others to help!
She is really the prettiest baby. :) Of course she takes after me so it was expected.
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