...the Wise, the Witty, and the Waste of your time...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

34 Weeks

I have been pregnant for 34 weeks- might be a good time to put out an update about it. My poor second born is already getting the shaft and it's not even finished baking.

I'm already pre-frustrated at the fact that it will have the typical second born baby book. The empty one. I sincerely don't WANT that to happen, I just know it will. I've heard they make "baby book" calendars...does anyone happen to know of a good one? It opens up a slight possibility of baby #2 getting the odd event or milestone recorded. I'm open to any and all suggestions!

So here are the preggo stats at 34 weeks in:
  • cravings -nada, but I've lost the will to say no to sugar and chocolate
  • energy - finally finally back at 7 months. I kiss the makers of Innate Iron!
  • heartburn - an ol' buddy
  • headaches, sciatica, pinched nerves, wheat sensitivities, or nose bleeds - NONE!
  • leggings - my daily uniform
  • current pillow count - four
  • watermelon jokes count - only 1!! (my 'oh so funny' sisters don't count)
  • bathroom trips - about 50% when compared to my first pregnancy! Thank you so much little peanut!
  • sleep - meh....
  • movement - crazy! Easily twice as much as Evanie. And strong! Little stinker makes me gasp.
  • weight - 19 lbs and counting
  • Braxton Hicks - constantly since 20 weeks
  • vivid, awkward dreams - 100s. So not cool.
Things I've done to prepare for this birth and this baby.....well....writing this post is pretty much step one. Nice.

Actually, now that I think of it, this week I've tried to stop gritting my teeth through the Braxton hicks and breathe and relax instead. That's a step. And I've been reading a book of birth stories to get me into the right head/heart space. So I guess this post is Step 3! Yay, look how prepared I am!

I even have a slightly out of focus 34 week picture.

I'm not the pregnant person I once thought I would be. I always imagined I'd have this ethereal glow, I'd be incredibly in tune with my body and my unborn, and I'd feel fully feminine and maternal.

But this is not my experience.

I find myself viewing my pregnancies as something to cross off 280ish days on the calendar. I wish I were more "glowing" and "ripe with life" but I just don't feel that way. I'm very grateful, it is 100% miraculous, and I genuinely anticipate meeting the precious life God is forming....and that's as ethereal as I get.

With Evanie I was afraid I would be as detached from my child as my pregnancy but that fear was obliterated in powerful tsunami of love for my little girl the instant she was born and I held her wet little body close. So I'm not concerned this time. I'm eager to meet this person who is going to so thoroughly imbed itself in my heart, I will become its mother in a single instant. I can't wait.


Kymberly said...

But we are oh so funny! :)

Martha A. said...

Carolyn, only 19 pounds? No wonder you look like that!
It seemed no matter what, I gained weight while pregnant, something about hormones, they tell my body it needs to gain weight.
I am trying to remember my second borns baby book, but one thing, if you fill out a calendar with random info, then later you can make a small scrapbook with some pictures. I have one or no pictures of most of my pregnancies as I was convinced I was the ugliest pregnant person on the planet, except for my youngest when I was convinced after I had to have pictures taken at Moriah's wedding.