I know what you're thinking, THREE blogs in TWO weeks! WHAT has HAPPENED!?
Yes... thats a good question. I'll tell you. I'll just get cozy between my new friend, Kleenix and my old friend, Chocolate and tell you.
It would seem that my job is finally over. And, in keeping with the spirit of things, it was pretty much ended as badly as possible. I was simply called and told not to show up for the first half of my shift the next day. So I didn't. When I got there for the second half I was greeted with a "revised schedule" for the week (yes thats right, the current week, not the coming week!) and all my shifts have been abruptly canceled except cooking and cleaning (seriously!) and there was a letter saying that as of April 1st I would be considered "on call" status.
So there ya go. I wasn't technically fired, and technically I was given a month's notice of my change in status but it was so much formal bull...stuff. Because realistically "you're off our schedule" means "go find a new job" and realistically giving me a grand total of 8 hours a week starting yesterday makes my month's notice kind of a slap in the face.
And, to add insult to injury, they couldn't even do any of this face to face. I found these notes in my box with no explanation and there wasn't any management around to elaborate. I did corner the office manager later in the day and ask what was going on and the story is that it's all based on availability and because I placed limitation on mine, I was no longer needed. Its funny, I thought hiring someone as "part timer" meant that they worked "part of the time." Are you allowed to can someone because you as the boss decided you've changed your mind? Probably not, which is why I got the "you'll be on call" garbage.
Of course I'm asking myself, was I doing a rotten job? Maybe I was, I don't know, certainly not intentionally. Either way it's over. I'm officially handing in my notice (in person, that'll really rock their boat! They'll have to look me in the eye!) next week on a day when I'm pretty sure the boss will be present. (I haven't personally seen him since Christmas) It feels abominably coward-like to just stick it in his letter box.
You know, I'm feeling lots of things right now but the main thing I'm feeling is RELIEF!! The Kleenix and Chocolate picture thankfully, is inaccurate; only added for dramatic effect. I'm incredibly sad that I never got to see my clients one last time and tell them goodbye, but other than that, I'm just glad its over. I've been dreading this for months and now that its finally happened, its just done! Its like dreading getting your teeth pulled. Having it done isn't great but its SO much nicer to have it BEHIND you than IN FRONT of you! I feel like I've been packing around Mr. McWhatshisname on my shoulders for months and yesterday.....yesterday he fell off! Adios!
I will admit I AM a tiny bit irritated at the fact that just last Sunday I'd accepted a new job (which actually doesn't start until September, but still!) and due to his insanely good timing, I don't get the satisfaction of properly quitting! But that's probably for the best.
So anyway...yeah.. I've had plenty of time to think about this...and actually that (time) has been quite nice. My kitchen floor is finally mopped after needing it for many weeks and my laundry is clean and it's mild enough to take a run outside and I have time to do all of these things...as well as blog...and do homework!
Plus it's spring here...spring is a great time for new beginnings. Things could be worse. I could still work there.
5 days ago
okay- I totally just read your email and that totally sucks because loser bosses totally suck and it totally sucks being unemployed, even if it's a relief to no longer work for said loser bosses. And we totally miss you guys and...I'm done with the totallys (maybe its totallies). I just added those in for effect.
Hang in there Caroyln. Enjoy the free time.
I am sorry, Carolyn! I hope that your next boss appreciates you for the great person and worker you are!
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