...the Wise, the Witty, and the Waste of your time...

Monday, August 25, 2008

What Lies Ahead

I realize I haven't updated much....or at all...through this summer. Oops.
I'm happy to say I've been too busy having fun - oh, and doing some work. By way of excuse, let me share with you what the following week and the month of September holds.
Ever since I met Justin back in October 2003, he has stated that his dream is to build guitars. He loves fine, artistic work (have you heard about my ring?) and he loves guitars - it's a perfect match! From the beginning he's had one luthier school in mind and for the past 3 years and 9 months, we've planned together that some day, when I'm finished school and before we have children, we'll move over to Vancouver Island so he can take the course.
Recently he's been making me a longboard and began to experiment with some very fine, detailed design work he's seen in his guitar books. I'll post pictures when he's finished. The result is twofold: he's even more excited about building guitars and he's beginning to think he may not need to take a full 12 month course. He's incredibly talented, meticulous, and patient when it comes to woodwork; he just needs some direction in crafting a musical instrument.
All this to say that one evening as we were discussing his schooling and how long the course is and how badly the grandparents want little Wiebe Jrs. running around; we realized I have exactly 1 month in between my summer and winter jobs. The next day we called the school to see if there was any openings for the month of September. It was already June; September was full. Two weeks later they called us back to say they'd had a cancellation and were we interested?!!!! Were we ever!
Since then we've decided to also move out of our little place in favor of a new suite. Complete with, get this, a washer and dryer!! Not even kidding, a real washer a dryer! And a dishwasher! And a new fridge and stove!! I`m so excited it`s hard not to wet myself!

Six days from now we are returning our keys to the landlord and heading to the island! This day has been looked forward to for so many years, I can`t believe it`s this close! In the month of September, Justin will build his first guitar!
So this is one of the reasons blogging has been de-prioritized.


Teresa said...

That is so exciting!

You are more than welcome to drop by Surrey on your way to the ferry :) We'd love to see ya!

Krystal said...

That's awesome Carolyn, I'm really excited for you guys. Can't wait to see what his designs are. I think it's cool that both of my brother-in-laws are so artistic and talented. Does he have any cousins? lol, j/k

Martha A. said...

Wow! And you will be alot closer to Diana! That is neat? So, when do the grandchildren come into the picture in the plans? Or is that asking for too much info?
Dishwashers are great! So are washers and dryers!
How long are you going to be over there? Just one month?