...the Wise, the Witty, and the Waste of your time...

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I haven't posted any Evanie news or pictures on here for a few weeks *gasp* so here's a quick photo update.

The month of October from Carolyn Wiebe on Vimeo.

Learning to blow bubbles from Carolyn Wiebe on Vimeo.

She's a very vocal baby; often I'm alerted to her nap being over because I hear her lecturing the stuffed animals in her crib. (Yes, that's right, there are stuffed animals in her crib. Come on, she can't even roll over yet, the most dangerous item in her crib is her own fingers which routinely jab her in the eyes.) When I go in she's usually in there chewing on her blanket and fist. There are few things more fun then hearing her little shriek of delight when she sees my face!!

She's still a very good baby, even though she's no longer sleeping through the night every night. I'm not sure why but now she likes to have a meal around 4 most nights. My motto with her is "Everything is Normal."

She is a pretty good napper although she doesn't like falling asleep without me there. She's getting better at it though. The pacifier is again her enemy and she gags and sputters and howls if we give it to her. I might actually stop trying this time. Things that DO put her to sleep are: sleeping in my bed with me - the vacuum - skyping.

Things she hates: hats, her car seat, me sneezing, having her arms restricted, and apparently her uncle Luke. :) (just kidding, but last night she cried every time she looked at him.)

She smiles almost constantly when you interact with her. She loves music. She has the most amazing hair. So amazing I generally put hats or head bands on her to cover it up in public!:) On one side she's got a natural mullet and on the other side she has a fantastic Jewish sidelock display. And a small section on the crown of her head likes to stand straight up as some of the pictures show! It's exasperating and delightful at the same time!:)

To sum up, I am loving being her mom.

1 comment:

Krystal said...

The bubble-blowing is so precious! I can't believe she is old enough to actually copy you off but it looked like she was really trying. Cannot wait to see her again!