I really have enjoyed every moment, (except the sick moments when I can't help but worry a little) even most of the night-time moments, and have tried to soak up this time but it's still going by too quickly!
I'll be honest, I want another one. Who would like to be pregnant for me?
Some updates on the munchkin:
- She takes a bottle. I was shocked, SHOCKED, that she took it first try because she's always hated soothers. What a nice surprise! I bought this nifty little hand pump and suddenly, Justin and I can plan a date!! I'm actually very excited about it!
- We're having troubles with starting solids. The day she hit 6 months old she tripled her appetite so we've doubled her feedings and tried out solids. I've been grinding and pureeing like Martha Stewart! She loves them but her poor little baby system is struggling.
- She pees on the toilet! It's not foolproof but it is the cutest thing! And no I'm not potty training her, just getting an early start to hopefully keep it from being such an intimidating transition later on.
- She hasn't rolled once since she started sitting. Not once.
- Justin has been practicing "dada" with her for several days and now she says it constantly.
- She also fake coughs which I think is funny and adorable every single time and Justin says is "terrible, just TERRIBLE!"
- Thank goodness so far she doesn't seem to have inherited my distaste (some might call it fear) for water. She loves both showers and baths and doesn't mind getting it all over her face. I cringe just watching.
- For all the extra eating she's doing she's slowed her weight gain a little. I like to think it's all going to the brain.
- We've quickly realized that she's got the long torso, short leg syndrome. This was a joint effort by both her stubby legged parentals.
- She likes to cross those stubby legs at the ankles when she sits.
- She growls.
- She hisses.
- Every now and then she makes girlie sounds. But this is rare.
- She chews on EVERYTHING but her item of choice is strings. Strings on my hoodies, on her booties, on scarves...my shoe laces. If you notice I smell like saliva please tell me.
- No teeth yet. Just a big gummy smile. And occasionally a big gummy scream...as the following pictures illustrate.
DON'T take my picture, get me OUT of here!
Nobooooddddyyy looooooves me!
Even her grouchy faces make me want to kiss her!
She growls and then she hisses
Soon it's hugs and kissess
It's pointing at her nose
Reaching down to touch her toes
Yes it happens fast
You want to keep the past
But we gotta let them grow
Holding tight and letting go.
So fun to see her. Love Sandi
You are so good blogging all of this...I have so much to catch up on and it's getting away from me. They grow too fast:-( And also, reading this made me realize how fat my little baby is...he is over 15 lbs and 2 months younger than Evanie!!! The biggest little thighs you ever saw. I call him my little Buddha!!
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