...the Wise, the Witty, and the Waste of your time...

Monday, September 19, 2011


First shower. She loved it!

First time in the bumbo (2 weeks ago)...kept her happy for 20 minutes which was the longest she'd ever been happy outside of someone's arms. We've had longer stretches since but that was a record at the time.

First time falling asleep without being bounced. I actually shed a tear.

First time using scissors. Marlowe's fine motor skills are off the charts!

Ok ok I'm lying....this is Evanie's first. But you knew that. This kept her busy and dead silent for nearly an hour. I don't think she even breathed the entire time!


Erin said...

ahhhh! i need scissors!

Kym said...

Ugh! Justin's naked! But I like Marlowe's pictures. :) Keep those coming.

Montana said...

Super mature Kym.

Martha A. said...

Hopefully she was cutting something that was okay to cut!! Those are super cute pictures...