39 Weeks
So if I could give any advice to first time pregnant ladies it's this: Don't buy watermelon while pregnant. If you're like me and it's the ONLY thing in the world that you actually WANT to eat, ask your husband to purchase it for you.
Why? Because there are too many ridiculous people loose in this world.
About two weeks ago I bought a watermelon and as I approached the counter the cashier started shrieking with laughter and yelling, "Look, TWINS!" Hardy har lady. It was too hilarious to keep to herself so she shouted out to the next cashier and the other people in line who, to their credit, all looked horrified and unamused.
Then as she was (oh so slowly) ringing up my purchases she warned me not to be lifting heavy items while pregnant to which I responded that I wasn't to which she responded by pointing at the watermelon. OH give me a break? It's like, 4LBs! And it's not going to jump into the cart on it's own!
Fast forward to yesterday, same scenario (look, I NEED watermelon), different store. Again the cashier starts making jokes about me trying to smuggle a free one under my shirt, Chortle Chortle. Again, very funny.
The lovely gray haired woman in front of me in line took the opportunity of my cornered status (well after my purchase was made) to tell me it's "all about being relaxed" and showed me some clever trick you can do with your fingers that proves your body is relaxed and relayed how she just sat and did this for a day and a half and "viola" out came her daughter. I gritted my teeth from making some snide comment about not doing things 1800s style and tried to squeeze my 'watermelon smuggling' body past her cart. Unfortunately I'm not the fastest on my feet these days so she kept pace with me and continued her steady stream of advice out into the parking lot. I don't have a clue what she said because I was too focused on holding my watermelon and biting my tongue.
Then, to heap insult to injury, upon arriving home, I had the watermelon jammed between my foot and the door while finding my keys and before I could react it rolled out of the bag, onto the porch, bounced down the steps, into the carport, and began rolling towards the road. I chased it, none to nimbly and managed to corner it right before it reached the road. Then I pregnant plie squatted to hoist it up and angrily carried it into the house.
The moral? No more watermelons until after the baby. Stick to grapes and strawberries.
Like these! We picked these on Tuesday and oh my goodness, are they delicious!