...the Wise, the Witty, and the Waste of your time...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Beary Cute

My title sounds like it should be in a "Taste of Home" magazine where everything is "Egg"tastic and a"bun"dant.

But seriously...seriously...this is cuter than any teddy bear you can buy in the store.

I will narrate her expressions:

"Where am I? What am I wearing? Are you sure I look cute in this?"

"Aww gee thanks...I guess it is kinda cute if I do say so myself!"

"Oop...and now I have to poo." (I didn't MEAN to catch he poo face, it was an accident!)

"Did you seriously just take a picture of that?" (It actually looks like she's saying "I'm going to punch you in the face!" Which is something she would have picked up from her aunt Grace. Good going, Grace.)

"Get it OUT of my FAAAACE!"


Anonymous said...

She is so very Cute. I think she gets that from me. Not the rude comments. Love Grace

Montana said...

I'm not sure that it is possible that you could have passed on any genes Grace. As I recall from Biology 101, you'd have to be a male in order for that to be possible.

Krystal said...

No, definitely the cuteness comes from me. I am not a man, but I am at least in the family so I can say that. :)

Montana said...

You're NOT A MAN!?! WHY don't people TELL me these things!?!?!

Liz said...

That little sweetie has serious character! Can't believe she is a month old.

Nini said...

She is so cute. Now get to posting more pics! Babies change so fast, we need updates!

Seriously...she is really cute!