A few nights ago I was setting up for Evanie's evening bath and then decided she was just too tired and it was too late and I should skip it. So instead Justin washed her little face and hands and snuggled her into a clean sleeper and blanket and handed her to me for her last feed.
I gently cradled her sleepy little head close to me...and proceeded to have an explosive milk let down that first choked her and secondly sprayed milk all over her face when she pulled off gasping for air!
Like a good mother I responded by laughing hysterically and then calling Justin to come over and take pictures. Justin and I found it so funny to see her clean little face all covered in milk and she seemed to want in on the joke and laid there smiling and making amused little grunting sounds! SOOO close to laughing.
Initially she was a little offended...
...but she quickly took her cue from us and decided it was the funniest thing that had happened all day!
Milk face!
Cute little baby profile. This is the bald side of her head...she literally has twice this amount on the other side!
Totally content in her dad's lap.
She spends a lot of time gazing adoringly at her dad.
...and she finds him very witty...
She's such a pleasant little person to have around. Every day is Christmas in this house!
She is such a chunk already. I can only imagine how good it must feel to cuddle her!! ~Diana
Love it! I still have explosive milk! Have had it with both kiddos. Every feeding consists of a towel underneath Jameson's chin! She really is precious...it just gets more and more fun!
She is getting so chubby! In such an adorable way! I can't wait to squeeze her this weekend!
The same thing happened to Callie the other day :) It was pretty funny. And I totally agree... every day feels like Christmas with these little sweeties. Isn't this the best job you've EVER had!?! :)
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