...the Wise, the Witty, and the Waste of your time...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Two days post partum I was laying on my stomach playing a game with Evanie and I thought to myself, "THIS is the BEST thing about no longer being pregnant!" She's onto a serious game kick and has been asking daily for me to play with her but it was SO uncomfortable to be on the floor while pregnant-so it felt like Christmas to get down, lay on my belly, and play a kids game.
Later that day I took a nap and laid flat on my back to sleep and again thought, "THIS is the BEST thing about no longer being pregnant." No more mountain of pillows, just beautiful sleep.
I found this thought going through my head multiple times in the week after Marlowe was born so I decided to compile a list of things I love about not being pregnant anymore.

  • First and foremost is the baby. It is SO amazing to finally, finally hold this baby that you've been thinking of for 9 months. To finally meet, name, and hold your baby is A-MAZ-ING!
  • Laying on your belly. SO nice.
  • Laying on your back!
  • Hugging your husband! You fit again!
  • No more heartburn. One day you have it, the next day you don't.
  • No more midnight trips to the bathroom!
  • Pregnancy mask starts fading.
  • You can sit up, twist at the waist, bend over.....awesome!
  • Breathing normally. No more panting just from getting off the couch.
There are more but these are my personal favorite. Oh and there's a whole separate list of symptoms that are less G rated and more just nasty and no one really wants to hear about.

Except that now you're a little bit curious! Don't be such a sicko.

Later: I forgot a biggie......being skiiiiiinnnnnnyyyy!! It totally doesn't matter that I have an entire person worth of extra skin swinging from my ribs to my knees-I still feel skinny. I'm always a little confused how I can be "SO SKINNY" and still not fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes....weird...


Poopers AKA 2Ply said...

No more t-rex arms was one of my favorites. Maybe this only applies to people whose arms border on short to begin with, but I could barely reach the kitchen faucet by the end.

Your new baby is adorable! (And the older one too.)

Martha A. said...

I still flop on my tummy and think...."Boy, it is sure nice to be able to do this." and I have not been pregnant in over 7 years!!!
Yes, now we are all very curious about the less than G rated things you didn't write about, but those of us who have been pregnant....well, we are remembering and imagining the truth.

Pregnancy only held one good thing for me...okay, two...#1 I had a baby when I was done, and #2 I loved feeling the baby kick inside....otherwise it was a little bit of a nightmare....the other words I have for it, are not nice enough.