I've always hated (HATED) the "what are your hobbies?" question. Whats that about? Who has hobbies? I'm always afraid of saying I don't have any. What if i don't have any hobbies? Does that make me a loser? Does reading count? Jogging? Hanging out with friends? Panic. What do I say? Am I really boring?
So after years of this question...I still have no answer. However, I have a husband with enough hobbies and passions for both of us. For instance, its 12:04am on a Sunday evening and he's working away on a new longboard he's making with his own hands. Its got stain and woodburning decorations that are pretty detailed and time consuming. Ever the artist, he can't just slap some varnish on a board; its personalized and made with care. The only problem being that he's terribly excited to have it done and RIDE it but determined it will be perfect so the result is a lot of late nights. He can barely drag himself out of bed in the morning but has an equally hard time dragging himself TO bed in the evening when there's still more left to do on the board.
Longboarding has taken this Okanagan group over this summer. A whole group of guys just made a bunch of boards and are so excited! Excited enough that a few of them are making boards for their wives so that we go out with them. I don't have one yet but Justin's pretty sure thats exactly what I need for my summer fun so I'll have one soon I'm sure.
A long board is a skate board thats long. You can't do the tricks on a longboard that you can do on a skateboard but you can go long distances and go quite fast. Its more a distance/racing board. And because its long, its a little less scary to learn on. I've never ridden one yet but I'm sure I will be when Justin's board is done.
Last summer the passion was skimboarding on the lake. After using someone else's board most of the summer we found one online and he nearly chewed his nails to a stub waiting for that board to arrive. And really, all of these board sports we have cluttering up our entry are really just a landlocked substitute for the real passion: surfing. If there was surf nearby, his skimboard and longboard and skateboard (and possibly wife) would be shelved and he would be eating, sleeping, and dreaming surfing. We live on a lake and he is constantly scanning the water for anything that might resemble a wave.
Part of me wants to tame him and insist on safety. (Why do all his sports have to include speeding along on a board? Is there such a thing as an Aladdin complex?- 'cuz he's got it!) And the other part of me is proud of him for being talented and fearless. I guess I'll just continue to breathe up a quick prayer every time he grabs the board of choice and races outdoors.
I'll post a picture of his finished product in a few days.
5 days ago
come on carolyn, you know that your hobby is making cute little outfits for out adorable little cat!!
Matt wants to see pictures of the whole process...
Justin and Matt have a lot in common when it comes to the things the do with their hands.
Oh, if you are looking for a hobby you could take up sewing Quiet Books for my kids...
Reading is a hobby! Alot of things are hobbies, I have a ton of hobbies I like to do, but does that mean I ever get time to indulge in them? jogging can be a hobby too!
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