Ok...so I'm dreadfully behind in updating life. I'm currently at 28 weeks and my last pregnancy photo says 23...oops. In my defense, since the last picture we've moved (yay!), I've been down to WA for a visit, Justin has been to Saskatchestan, ball has started, and school has started. So not only have I not been getting around to posting pictures of the baby bump, I haven't been taking the pictures either. Quite a few week-stones (yes I just came up with that) have been missed. This is likely an omen of what is to come with my childrens photos and scrapbooks and baby books...and school lunches and clean underwear and healthy meals.

I truly am one of those people who is not photogenic. If it's a group photo, I can relax enough to sometimes look normal. But these shots of JUST me are a somewhat different story. Is anyone else like that? Plus, as exciting as the baby bump is; I do find it a bit awkward taking pictures of me gaining weight. I know that afterwards I'll appreciate it.

In this particular photo op Justin took about 18 pictures and this is me beginning to voice my disapproval as he gleefully kept snapping more.
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Yesterday I was deep cleaning our bedroom and I pulled forth the pile of baby books. I told Matt that this pile basically represents a whole load of guilt for this mom. Confession: Myles has a book but I haven't even opened the cover. Deep guilt and shame wash over me every time I look at that stack. Will Lindey, Ethan, and Myles someday think that they were less loved because Mom didn't write in their books? What if I am going to be judged as a parent by the baby books? I will get an F...Anyway Matt and I started talking it over and both of us don't give our own baby books a great deal of thought. Do you know what is way more fun then a book? Home videos. They are so fun and great and they capture every stage and everybody loves to sit down and watch them over and over. Here is my parenting tip of the day. Don't waste any money on a baby book but splurge on a video camera before that baby is born. They are priceless! ~Diana
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