A while back I was in town doing a bit of shopping and was struck by the urge to purge. Our produce drawers to be exact.
"Today, I will bite the bullet and buy organic, it is a good choice," were my thoughts. "So what if I'm gonna fork over a little more, seriously, how much more can they charge for an apple or some carrots? How expensive can it really be?"
Good question actually. More accurately, "Can it REALLY be THAT expensive? Is that REALLY legal?!"
I discovered that day, as anyone who has ventured to buy organic quickly discovers, that in many cases organic prices are legal theft. Don't believe me?...on with my story.
So I walked into the local health food store (GREAT store. Take money.) to buy me some red peppers. I casually picked up a few, not, of course, using bags because that's not "green" and the health food store is very green. Somehow a bit of common sense penetrated my zeal induced stupor and I glanced up at the price. The moment was utterly shattered and, I kid you not, I got real salty tears in my eyes. Apparently healthy produce is for the elite and I suddenly felt like an impostor just being there. I dumped my red peppers back on the shelf and threw myself out the door.
$8.49 a pound! $8.49 a pound!!!! I didn't even use a frickin' bag! At their most expensive, red peppers around here are usually $2.49 a pound. Thats a 241% (it took me a while to figure that number out!) increase and while I was prepared to pay more, I assure you, I am NOT prepared to increase our grocery budget by 241%!!
Oh the frustration! Oh the rip off. Do they water these plants with their tears and sit beside them day and night to scare off the aphids?! (Don't even get me started on the meat! You have to sell your ovaries to afford it!)
Anyway, all that huffing and puffing to say this: I came across this helpful list of clean (don't retain a lot of pesticides) vs. dirty (retain a lot of pesticides) produce and thought I'd share.
And finally, for the first time ever, I prepared and ATE this for dinner the other night.
Justin was so shocked he had to document it.
It was done in the name of true laziness ....I mean thriftiness.
Thanks so much for posting this list! I have to ask...id it KD or did you make it from scratch?
if you want cheeper organic fruit and veggies you should move to seattle, its almost all they sell around here, making it much more affordable. because peppers aren't good enough to cost that much!
Wow! Those are so expensive, I feel better at times with organic stuff, but most of the time, I decide that this is why we pray over our food!
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