Ever since I turned 17 I've been fighting my face. I've plucked it, pierced it, masked it, steamed it, scrubbed it, lotioned it, painted it, naired it, spritzed it, toned it, waxed it, "facialed" it, and I STILL look like....me. It's possible this is part of the problem. It's been suggested that if I stopped picking on it, it would be fine.....or not. Maybe I'd have to join the "mustached women" club.
Anyway...my skin has been the hardest part. It's dry, sensitive, and reacts violently to my diet, emotions, and hormones. In the past two years since I've been married, things have definitely improved. Exercise, better eating, emotional stability, hormonal....ness....(yeah, still working on that one), less stress and worry have all made a world of difference. I know, I'm pretty much one of those "ducks in a row" kind of people. Millions envy me.
For several years I've been buying expensive, healthy, natural, "from America so the shipping charges double the cost," facial products that don't work well for me but don't make it worse. And then one day I decided that was dumb so I went to the local health food store and stocked up on samples of several recommended brands, intending to find one that worked and just buy it locally. Let me tell ya, I found one that worked GREAT!... buuuut I'm not buying it locally because it's cheaper online. And FYI, the Alba cleansing gel (that says "avoid eye area") burns the heck out of your eyes and makes you scream and curse.....I mean...weep.
So for the past month I have been using this most excellent team

and I have LOVED the difference. In fact, today my husband was gazing fondly at his beautiful wife and commented (without any prompting!) on the transformed "smoothness and softness" he beheld!! For real!
Although I was already a Suki supporter on my own, this has propelled me into a passionate devotee. Try it (start with free samples), you'll see! In fact, I'll bet that if I actually downed my daily H2O quota I'd look like Heidi Klum. I'd be the "she of the alabaster face..."
Just out of curiousty, how much does it cost?
Your skin sounds like mine, it goes nuts with hormones and is dry and sensitive, I get pimples when it gets too dry....
Ahhhh, I want to learn more....My face is never clear and worse again lately since stress does such wonderful things to it. A lot of mine is hormonal, but am at a loss right now on that front. Anyways, how long have you been using it etc..? I am really interested.
Hook. me. up.
Or rather, i shall go henceforth and hook myself up.
Hey, I know that you do not know me...but my name is Kelly Milligan. I am thinking that you are pretty busy, but I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me...
I found your blog and on it the information you posted about Suki...I was wondering:
Are you still using these products?
How often do you need to order more products?
Are they still working for you?
Thank you for your time and information!
I have to add, my daughter had a horrible time with acne finding out she has an allergy to propylene glycol! It is everything, shampoo, lotion make-up etc. We were told to use suki products because of the purity and the results her doctor had. Well let me tell you I now also use the products. We have seen a huge difference in her skin, she uses the one serum and it is getting rid of the scarring that many dr's said would never go away!
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