I'm irritated that in all these pictures I just look washed out and tired. I'm not. I feel great. I LOOK like I have cancer but I promise that I don't!
It's the abominable long hair. I hate it. Why don't I cut it?
I dreamed last night that I was taking care of two little boys (Angella I don't know if you pop in here on occasion but they were your sons I was babysitting) and they both went to the bathroom on the floor and I had to clean it up and I couldn't stop washing my hands. I woke up holding my hands in the air, afraid to touch the blankets and woke up Justin to tell him I wasn't ready to have children if they were going to be pooping children.
Is it too late for that decision?
You look fabulous...seriously...you look so great! You are going to be one of those really cute pregnant girls that make girls like me look even worse when they are pregnant. Good thing I am done being pregnant!
Are you guys going to find out what you are having...and if so...are you gonna tell us?
Carolyn, you are hilarious. You make me laugh.
You are so cute!! You do not look all washed out....
You look adorable!
Your baby is so cute... I like the ticker... Your hair looks very nice and if you are looking washed out in the picture it is the flashes fault. ~Diana
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